Now I know you think it would be amazing to ride a unicorn, but it could put them in serious danger. When a human rides a unicorn the humans can start to rub off too much of their own kind--such as make-up, perfume, cologne, fabrics, hairs, etc. However, this is only when it is a bright unicorn.
9/15/2012 02:23:42 am

OMG i cannot like, even BELEIIIIIIIIIIV tht i didnt know bout this thing , i meant it was just like esmes site was sooooo not as cool as this one together but the one that she made just by herself, but still, this on just is not as cool but it like stil has potential guyz!!!!!!!!

9/17/2012 10:06:34 am

Wow! I can't believe how much I didn't know about unicorns!

9/17/2012 11:17:44 am

O M JIZZLE!!!!!!!! so listen guyz, the other day i was at school, and after school my friend and i were like, driving to get our nails done, because we do that every day, soa nyways, like, we were walking along, an this person came up to us and was like "hi", and im all, uh, and i was just like, helo....?!?!?!?! like, i am NOT even kidding!!!!!!!! so anyways we were getting our nails doone, and the lady was all like, what do u guys want???????? and i am all, ex--CUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME???????? like, heloooooo DUH-NES!!!!!!!! a tentanar on one toe and a unicorn on the other,.........??!!!??!!! like i mean, come ON what is up with that!!!!!!!! oh, and fyi u guys, i am watching you........

9/17/2012 02:38:12 pm

Ummm nice website.. Lol ur so crazy Claire

9/22/2012 07:42:02 am

I would love to have a unicorn as a pet!


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